

The weather in South Tyrol for the2024-11-21

General situation

Humid and cold air masses.

In the morning it will gradually become cloudy everywhere. In the course of the afternoon, light snowfall will set in from the Vinschgau Valley, spreading to most of South Tyrol in the evening. Only a few snow flakes will fall in the Unterland and Adige Valley.

It will remain cold with highs between -2° and 4°.

Mountain weather

The mountain weather in South Tyrol for the2024-11-21

Humid and cold air masses.


The weather in South Tyrol for the2024-11-22

General situation

A north-westerly high-altitude current will continue to bring polar air masses towards the Alpine region. On the southern side of the Alps, it will be foehn again.

In the early hours of the morning, there will still be snow showers in some areas. Afterwards, the clouds will clear with a northerly wind and the sun will shine across most of the country, with more clouds in the north at times.

After a cold morning, temperatures will rise from -1° in the Wipptal to 8° in the Etschtal.

Mountain weather

The mountain weather in South Tyrol for the2024-11-22

A north-westerly high-altitude current will continue to bring polar air masses towards the Alpine region. On the southern side of the Alps, it will be foehn again.


Weather forecast

Saturday will be mainly sunny with a few harmless clouds.
Sunday will see a mix of sunshine and high clouds.
Monday will begin with high fog in some areas, otherwise sunshine will predominate.
On Tuesday, thicker clouds will appear during the course of the day and there may be light snowfall on the main Alpine ridge in the afternoon.